The last meeting took place near City Hall on November 7 in the presence of Ms. Rougerie, President of the ward council, and Ms Hemmami. 14 members of the association were present.
The first problem addressed was that of visual pollution on the place Philippe Lebon. the proliferation of billboards is the cause. The installation panel 2x3 feet planted on the site of the former bus line 14, to a place of worship, appears inappropriate.
The removal of transit in the street, with all the disadvantages that it represents, has also been mentioned by several people. Ms. Rougerie informed us that the city is planning the redevelopment of the site by Philippe Lebon roundabout.
We had a long debate on the issues of cleanliness in the area - heated debate at the mention of hygiene around the Theatre Sevastopol. Were discussed Esterra roles - including the collection of garbage bags and leaves much to be desired - that of Sté Nicollin whose contract promotes cleanliness in the tourist center at the expense of other neighborhoods, while for local taxes, the municipality is little difference.
is requested by the association:
- Qu'Esterra make a more complete collection without leave, as at present, waste after its passage.
- In reviewing the contract with Nicollin for a similar service for all neighborhoods, as in the tourist town center (downtown core).
- Harmonize services cleanings, CUDL and Lille.
- Increase the number of fixed bins.
- The verbalization of antisocial behavior and offenders
- To fight against human waste, The urgent establishment of free public toilets arrow, which was postponed after the municipal elections.
- To fight against dog droppings, provide more canisettes and collection bags
- A tougher fight against alcoholism street.
- Proposal from the Association of participate in meetings on the environment and cleanliness in public example Sebastopol Square or elsewhere.
- Review with City Council the proposed development of the place Philippe Lebon .
After a lengthy debate, Members Delomez, Gheerbrandt Lannoy and volunteering to be related to cleanliness in the clean program that unicipalities is putting in place.
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