Saturday, February 9, 2008

What Kind Of Hot Sauce Does 5 Guys Use?

First course

That I just made my first flight instruction. Check
terrain, "we take the good ba FGLDN (DR400-140B loc and travel) as the starter LV (DR400-120 school and local) HS. A photo of
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Tanpis is even better. That part, pre-flight, and we moved. Description of the instruments, getting started, I drove to the breakpoint, I accompany the IFs and hop off the plane with me. What he climbs, 170km / h 1000 ft / min smooth with 3 / 4 full and 2 pax behind. Once 2500ft level flight, I have fun with paloniers and the compensator. Hey! A plane behind. "I resumed the controls. Hop 360 ° to the right and one is placed behind him. Luck is the DR250 a club member. Small radio contact, and here we are flying in formation less than 50 meters. It's great! I was super happy.
Good lesson we are all even. We say goodbye and I resumed the controls. "You make me a 360 ° left turn followed by the right". I'd do that one. He said "it shows that you have already flown." (Thanks Dad, Vincent.B and simulation). Land in sight, it rises to 3000ft coaching. There the FI takes to show me how to do it, and landing to play with the wind, he will ask remaining 5s on a wheel (nice but the goal was to show me that the plane was safely ). I takes orders and runs to the car park.
And that's the first line of my log book is occupied by a beautiful flight of 30min.
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Next flight Saturday and it attacks the TDP (laps).


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